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Drifter portrait.png
HP 120 (+ 32 per level)
Regen 0.60 (+0.18 per level) hp/s
Damage 13 (+3 per level)
Armor 0 (+4 per level)
Speed 28 km/h
Recycle 6 Drones in one playthrough.
Ending phrase
...and so she left, hands cold and still hungry.


"The Drifter is a resourceful brawler with a uniquely supportive playstyle. Generate scrap with Blunt Force and Suffocate in order to salvage them into a powerful bundle of temporary items for you or your allies."
–In-game description


The Drifter is a playable character in Risk of Rain Returns.

The Drifter is a support character who can pack a surprisingly large punch. Just Blunt Force alone can stun-lock most bosses that can be stunned, such as the Imp Overlord or Ancient Wisp, and her Secondary skills don't fall behind in damage, either. Cleanup can be used to quickly mow down crowds or bosses with multiple segments, such as the Magma Worm, while the Scrap Cube can be used top of a boss or in front of a crowd, before going wild with Blunt Force to devastating effect. She can also support herself and her team with the use of her Special skills, using either Salvage for short bursts of power or Recycle to increase overall strength over time.

Her Secondary and Special skills require a resource called scrap, which can be gained through Blunt Force or her Utility skills, which are more focused on generating scrap to fuel her abilities. She can hold up to 12 scrap at a time.

Survivor Log

Departure: Destination:

Asteroid Substation Gamma, Sector 2, Saturnian Belt

UES Shipping Dock 0, Redview, Mars

  Travel ID: 44E454F58445145444
Passenger Details: [Civilian Class]

Luggage & Equipment: Passenger boarded with a 2023 A-series generic spacesuit rated for civilian travel and minor vaccuum resistance. Passenger was warned about their suit reaching EOL and was allowed onboard with a red stamp on their passport. For security reasons, passenger was patted down due to their coat appearing oversized*. Passenger attempted to board with 3 backpacks and 2 duffel bags. After being informed that their carry-on limit was one container, they dropped the additional bags and quickly passed through the terminal. A manual search showed that the remaining backpack contained various pieces of scrap metal, opened food containers, and multiple small tools.

[SECURITY RECALL] [Event D1] Passenger's travel ticket had it's destination markers destroyed by heavy weathering. Upon questioning, the passenger indicated that 'the full trip would be fine'. Ticket destination manually marked as Contact Light's port of origin. [Event D2] Passenger warned by ship personnel to 'stop hiding additional utensils in their pockets' during mealtimes.



Blunt Force
3-hit Combo, hit enemies in a wide range for 120% damage. The third hit deals 240% damage. Each hit in the combo has an added chance to generate scrap.

  • The chance for scrap to be generated is ~40% for the first hit, ~60% for the 2nd hit, and ~80% for the 3rd hit.
  • With how Blunt Force moves Drifter forward with every swing, jumping and quickly using it afterwards can give her a slight increase in mobility. This becomes more effective and easier to perform as attack speed increases.
    • The slight forward movement doesn't apply while standing on a Scrap Cube, making it possible to "surf" indefinitely.



Cleanup Clock.png 1s CD
Toss out some of your spare scrap, spawning 4 bouncing, piercing projectiles for 55% damage each. Small chance to spawn special projectiles.

  • Cleanup uses 2 scrap on activation.
  • Each projectile can crit and applies on-hit effects.
  • Cleanup's special projectiles have a chance to apply debuffs such as bleed and slow.


Scrap Cube Clock.png 2s CD
Consume a small amount of scrap and toss out a large scrap cube, dealing 150% damage. The cube can be pushed and shattered, dealing 300% damage while pushed. Fragile!

  • Editor's note: The in-game description of 150% damage is inaccurate.
  • Scrap Cube uses 2 scrap on activation.
  • The Scrap Cube has 60 HP and gains +20 HP per level.
  • If an enemy or the player are on top of a Scrap Cube they will move with it if it is pushed, even off of ledges.
  • Enemies will be distracted by and attack Scrap Cubes similar to Artificer's ArtificerC1.pngFrost BarrierArtificerC1.pngFrost Barrier15s CD

    Create a wall of ice that blocks most enemies and distracts them. When broken, explodes and freezes enemies for 150% damage.
    Survivor: Artificer



Suffocate Clock.png 7s CD
Slam enemies with your bag for 200% damage, and stunning them. If the enemy is under 20% health, Consume them; converting them into scrap.

  • Editor's note: The in-game description of 150% damage is inaccurate.
  • Suffocate's consume effect gives 4 scrap.
  • Suffocate can consume any enemy, including bosses and the final boss, giving it incredibly high damage potential.
  • Drifter can regain 1 scrap if Suffocate is used to destroy a Scrap Cube.


Tornado Slam Clock.png 8s CD
Spin around wildly, slamming enemies with your bag for 100% damage. Increases your speed by 50% and lowers your gravity.

  • Editor's note: Although not mentioned in the in-game description, the value of the movement speed boost is 50%.
  • Deals damage 6 times. Attack speed increases the duration of Tornado Slam, thus increasing the number of total hits.
  • Each hit of Tornado Slam has a ~30% chance to generate scrap.
  • Running into Geysers while Tornado Slam is active will substantially increase the height gained, due to the reduced gravity.



Salvage Clock.png 30s CD
Consume a large amount of scrap to spawn 4 temporary items.
Ancientscepter.pngAncientscepter.pngAncient Scepter
Upgrade your special skill.

Upgrade your special skill. Unique to each character. Reduces special skill cooldown by 30% per stack.
DrifterV1 2.png
Consume a large amount of scrap to spawn 6 temporary items.

  • Salvage uses 8 scrap on activation.
  • Stacking a large amount of temporary items in one spot before picking them up is an easy, though time-consuming, way to unlock Loader and Tornado Slam.
  • Salvage can be used while jumping, and Drifter is free to jump during the animations. This can be utilized to avoid enemies during the animation by repeatedly hopping forward.


Recycle Clock.png 30s CD
Consume a large amount of scrap to re-roll a pickup.
Ancientscepter.pngAncientscepter.pngAncient Scepter
Upgrade your special skill.

Upgrade your special skill. Unique to each character. Reduces special skill cooldown by 30% per stack.
DrifterV2 2.png
Consume a large amount of scrap to re-roll a pickup, and an additional temporary copy.

  • Recycle uses 8 scrap on activation.
  • Pickups are always re-rolled into a pickup of the same rarity.
  • Recycle can be used while jumping, and Drifter is free to jump during the animations. This can be utilized to avoid enemies during the animation by repeatedly hopping forward.


Achievements & Trials

Name Unlocks Requirement Alt
"...Ask Questions later" Tornado Slam Get 20 temporary items at once.
By Design Substandard Duplicator Complete the Providence Trial A Duplicator?!.
Trash Compactor Scrap Cube Complete the Providence Trial Perilous Descent. Collect 300 items as Drifter
Biodegradeabler Recycle Complete the Providence Trial Equivalent Exchange. Complete 25 stages as Drifter


  • Drifter collects and spends scrap for her abilities, which are produced by Blunt Force and Suffocate. Similar to other melee-range survivors, caution should be exercised when attacking, as many enemies are more dangerous in close range.


Item Interactions

  • Giganticamethyst.pngGigantic AmethystGiganticamethyst.pngGigantic Amethyst8s CD
    Resets all your cooldowns.

    Reset all your cooldowns.
    is extremely powerful with Drifter. Salvage can be used in quick succession with careful scrap management, allowing Drifter to accumulate items faster than any other survivor. This is especially useful in the Judgement Trial, where the equipment can be a starting item.


CSS Sprite
Unlocked by default.
DrifterPortraitPROV.png DrifterPortrait4.png
Complete Trial Judgement as Drifter. Collect the Prismatic Shard in the Ancient Valley.
Crudely-Drawn Buddy Decoy
Multiplayer Drone

Version History

Patch 1.0.5
  • Drifter's default Special skill no longer gets stuck when attack speed is really high.
  • Drifter's alternate Utility skill now pushes cubes spawned by the alternate Secondary.
  • Drifter's Primary skill no longer pulls the player forward if standing on a cube.
  • Drifter's cubes now interact with geysers.
  • Loader and Drifter can now turn while executing their Primary skill combos.

Patch 1.0.4

  • Heavencracker.pngHeaven CrackerHeavencracker.pngHeaven Cracker
    Every 4 basic attacks pierce through enemies.

    Every 4 (-1 per stack) basic attacks pierce through enemies.
    now allows MinerPortrait0.pngMiner to gain heat and DrifterPortrait0.pngDrifter to generate scrap.


  • Despite not granting items, recycling the drone given by Drone Repair Kit will count towards the unlock for Drifter, and can even be used multiple times for this purpose.
  • Selecting Drifter on the character select screen plays an animation of a random item popping out of her bag. Items that can appear from her bag include Mortar Tube, Bundle of Fireworks, AtG Missile Mk. 1, Ukulele, and Dio's Best Friend.
    • The frequency that these items appear also seems to be determined by the item's rarity, with the common tier Mortar Tube and Bundle of Fireworks appearing much more often than the rare tier Dio's Best Friend.
  • Drifter and Pilot are the two brand new survivors added in Risk of Returns and is unique to both the original 2013 game and Risk of Rain 2.
  • In her portrait, a pair of Lensmakersglasses.pngLens Maker's GlassesLensmakersglasses.pngLens Maker's Glasses
    Chance to deal double damage.

    Your attacks have a 10% (+7% per stack) chance to 'Critically Strike', dealing double damage.
    , the Jarofsouls.pngJar of SoulsJarofsouls.pngJar of Souls45s CD
    Summon a ghost for every enemy in the screen.

    Duplicate every enemy as a ghost to fight on your side. Ghosts last 15 seconds and have 70% damage.
    , a Dronerepairkit.pngDrone Repair KitDronerepairkit.pngDrone Repair Kit45s CD
    Repair and empower all active drones. Summons a unique drone to assist.

    All drones are repaired to full health and empowered for 8 seconds. Summons a unique drone.
    , and the Safeguardlantern.pngSafeguard LanternSafeguardlantern.pngSafeguard Lantern45s CD
    Drop a lantern that fears and damages enemies for 10 seconds.

    Drop a lantern for 10 seconds. Fears and damages enemies for 100% damage.
    are all scattered around the Drifter.
Risk of Rain Returns Wiki
Main ArtifactsChallengesMonstersDronesItemsInteractablesProvidence TrialsDifficultyGame Rules
Survivors CommandoPortrait0.pngCommandoHuntressPortrait0.pngHuntressEnforcerPortrait0.pngEnforcerBanditPortrait0.pngBanditHAN-DPortrait0.pngHAN-DEngineerPortrait0.pngEngineerMinerPortrait0.pngMinerSniperPortrait0.pngSniperAcridPortrait0.pngAcridMercenaryPortrait0.pngMercenaryLoaderPortrait0.pngLoaderCHEFPortrait0.pngCHEFPilotPortrait0.pngPilotArtificerPortrait0.pngArtificerDrifterPortrait0.pngDrifter
Stages Desolate ForestDried LakeDamp CavernsSky MeadowAncient ValleyBoar BeachSunken TombMagma BarracksHive ClusterTemple of the EldersRisk of Rain
Other SoundtrackVersion History