Clay Man

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Clay Man
140 points
11 points
Top Speed
22 km/h

Clay Men are monsters and enemies in Risk of Rain Returns.


Clay Men are short humanoid beings covered entirely with jet-black tar. Their bodies vaguely resemble male human musculature, with their otherwise only other distinguishing feature being the urn on their head, which is siam-yellow colored with a single embossed gold horizontal line streaked along its middle.

They wield a fully golden sword that shines with a light green sheen, and a purple gem embedded in its pommel.


The Clay Man moves quickly towards the player, sharply thrusting its sword forward when within attack range and dealing rather low amounts of damage, on a low cooldown.

The Clay man possesses the ability to roll, allowing it to quickly cover ground in a burst of speed. However, Clay men can still be hit while rolling, and especially susceptible to stuns and staggers.

Clay Men are one of 4 enemies capable of climbing and attacking on ropes, the other three being Lynx Tribe, Children and Lemurians.


Monster Log

Field Notes:

Quick with his sword and quicker with his feet; the agility of these clay 'people' is unexpected with a form so roughly shaped.

When faced with one of the few creatures here which I feel some humanity in, my aloneness closes in. Why do they have clay pots on their heads? Could it be protection from the cruel reality, or maybe just to hide the scars from this brutal planet..


  • In Risk of Rain 2, the Clay People are actually revealed to be not just tar but formerly Aphelians, an alien race living on a desert planet. They were overcome by Tar, a type of sentient tar that took over their land, consuming them.
Risk of Rain Returns Wiki
Main ArtifactsChallengesMonstersDronesItemsInteractablesProvidence TrialsDifficultyGame Rules
Survivors CommandoPortrait0.pngCommandoHuntressPortrait0.pngHuntressEnforcerPortrait0.pngEnforcerBanditPortrait0.pngBanditHAN-DPortrait0.pngHAN-DEngineerPortrait0.pngEngineerMinerPortrait0.pngMinerSniperPortrait0.pngSniperAcridPortrait0.pngAcridMercenaryPortrait0.pngMercenaryLoaderPortrait0.pngLoaderCHEFPortrait0.pngCHEFPilotPortrait0.pngPilotArtificerPortrait0.pngArtificerDrifterPortrait0.pngDrifter
Stages Desolate ForestDried LakeDamp CavernsSky MeadowAncient ValleyBoar BeachSunken TombMagma BarracksHive ClusterTemple of the EldersRisk of Rain
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