Temple Guard

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Temple Guard
420 points
17 points
Top Speed
15 km/h

Temple Guard are monsters and enemies in Risk of Rain Returns.


Temple Guards are artificial constructs thought to be constructed by Providence using the design Mithrix showed him[1].

Temple Guards are made of a heavy turquoise metal alloy. They consist of a humanoid torso mounted on a mobile quadruped base, which is lined with a red sash stylized with golden accents.

They have two cannons in place of upper limbs that shoot simultaneously at targets.

Temple Guards have the unusual ability to materialize and construct themselves spontaneously in the presence of intruders.


Temple Guards serve as slow, persistent artillery enemies that can threaten any survivor in their range.

They possess a high health pool, but are relatively immobile, being unable to jump, drop from ledges, or climb ladders.

Temple Guard are able to directly shoot at any player in a massive range and at any angle.

In between attacks, they may buff their own defense, indicated by a shield icon appearing above them.

While their damage may appear low, they always shoot two shots at a time. Their projectiles are telegraphed by a firing animation and two circular targets that indicate where they will hit.

Due to their large mass, they are resistant to staggers but not stuns.


Monster Log

Field Notes:

A robot creature that assembles itself.. I have not seen them materialize other than when I unknowingly trigger their presence. I cannot believe this is indeed a machine- and yet it is made from some alloy and uses heavy artillery! Was this on the ship, or are these guards a naturally occuring 'species' here? My suit's scanners are unable to detect any manufacturer's signature.

They seem to be determined not to let me pass. They attack with unlimited focus.

Risk of Rain Returns Wiki
Main ArtifactsChallengesMonstersDronesItemsInteractablesProvidence TrialsDifficultyGame Rules
Survivors CommandoPortrait0.pngCommandoHuntressPortrait0.pngHuntressEnforcerPortrait0.pngEnforcerBanditPortrait0.pngBanditHAN-DPortrait0.pngHAN-DEngineerPortrait0.pngEngineerMinerPortrait0.pngMinerSniperPortrait0.pngSniperAcridPortrait0.pngAcridMercenaryPortrait0.pngMercenaryLoaderPortrait0.pngLoaderCHEFPortrait0.pngCHEFPilotPortrait0.pngPilotArtificerPortrait0.pngArtificerDrifterPortrait0.pngDrifter
Stages Desolate ForestDried LakeDamp CavernsSky MeadowAncient ValleyBoar BeachSunken TombMagma BarracksHive ClusterTemple of the EldersRisk of Rain
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