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Gup Icon.gif
375 points
27 points
Top Speed
25 km/h

Gups are monsters and enemies in Risk of Rain Returns.


Gups, Geeps and Gips are rotund gelatinous life forms with two flowery antennae, six appendages on their lower body, and four yellow eyes.

Their bodies consist of a single orange mass with sickly green/yellow bubbling patches covering the border of their skin barrier.

The collective species appears to undergo rapid, gigantically sized "cell division" when threatened and split into lesser fragments of the prior organism. This begins with Gups being the progenitors of the division, followed by Geeps, and finally Gips. Geeps and Gips are smaller and are a lighter orange color, shifting to yellow eventually.

It is unknown if each individual Gup remains the same entity upon splitting, or if their cognition "dies" and is rapidly transferred into their lesser forms, assuming they're sapient to begin with.

Gups, Geeps and Gips, all share one defense mechanism; momentarily shrinking and shaping their bodies into spikes, which then extend outward in a forceful burst.


Gups move towards nearby players. Once in range, they attack by extending spikes out of their body, dealing damage all around them.

Once a Gup is killed, it will split into two smaller Geeps, each splitting into two Gips.


Monster Log

Field Notes:

It is quite rare that I smell anything through my respirator. I could not have been prepared for how bizarre no longer having a sense of smell is. However, there have been a rare few occasions when I caught some trace aroma- generally somewhat bitter on this planet, but I savor them greedily.

When I encountered this gelatinous beast I was assailed by a sweet smell! A strangely fruity scent.. Oh, how it brings me back to a more innocent time! As I struck the congealed blimp of a creature it divided and seemed to gain energy. With each blow more of the saccharine odor escaped the monster. I must admit, I may have been overzealous in my attack..


  • The Geep and Gip's original sprites in Risk of Rain (2013) were scaled down from the Gup sprite.


  • Gup.
  • Geep.
  • Gip.
Risk of Rain Returns Wiki
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Survivors CommandoPortrait0.pngCommandoHuntressPortrait0.pngHuntressEnforcerPortrait0.pngEnforcerBanditPortrait0.pngBanditHAN-DPortrait0.pngHAN-DEngineerPortrait0.pngEngineerMinerPortrait0.pngMinerSniperPortrait0.pngSniperAcridPortrait0.pngAcridMercenaryPortrait0.pngMercenaryLoaderPortrait0.pngLoaderCHEFPortrait0.pngCHEFPilotPortrait0.pngPilotArtificerPortrait0.pngArtificerDrifterPortrait0.pngDrifter
Stages Desolate ForestDried LakeDamp CavernsSky MeadowAncient ValleyBoar BeachSunken TombMagma BarracksHive ClusterTemple of the EldersRisk of Rain
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